

Holy Week is the time when a lot of Filipinos go out of town, to make the most of the holidays. But if you can’t go out at this time, here are some staycation tips for Lenten Season.


Several hotels surround Manila, so you can still opt to spend your Holy Week in the metro. You and your family can enjoy the packages offered, usually inclusive of breakfast and lunch buffets, complimentary scheduled trips to various churches, use of pool and Easter Egg Hunts.


This can be a perfect time to learn how to cook. If you’re abstaining from meat, there are numerous fish and vegetables dishes that you can master within the week.


Holy Week is the perfect time to spend time with family. Encourage children to understand the significance of the Lenten Season. Activities, such as making your own palaspas or staging your own puppet show that describes Easter, are great ways to keep your little ones occupied while they learn new things.


Maximize the use of Internet. Help in disseminating vital information, such as weather updates, especially now that we are monitoring Typhoon Chedeng (Maysak) that’s forecast to enter the country.

station of the cross

Pay a visit to the nearest church in your area. Doing the Stations of the Cross is a fitting way to contemplate this season. Also known as Via Dolorosa, it’s a narration of the final hours in the life of Jesus Christ.

So if you can’t go out during the Lenten season, don’t fret. There are a lot of ways to enjoy your staycation!